History of Science Journal
The History of Science journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic publication dedicated to the multidisciplinary study. Established in 2018, it is published quarterly under the auspices of AcademyGate Publishing and the International Metafizika Center (Baku, Azerbaijan). The journal fosters scholarly dialogue across various fields, contributing to a deeper understanding of the development and impact of scientific knowledge. History of Science is available both in print (ISSN 2790-0029) and online (ISSN 2790-0037), ensuring broad accessibility to researchers and scholars worldwide.
The History of Science journal embraces a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming submissions that intersect various academic fields. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the history of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences, such as mathematics, mechanics, physics, astronomy, and technical innovations. It also invites research on the historical development of Chemical Sciences and Earth Sciences, including geography and environmental studies. In addition, the journal publishes work related to the history of Biological and Medical Sciences, encompassing medical, pharmaceutical, biological, and agricultural sciences.
Furthermore, contributions from the Humanities and Social Sciences are integral to the journal’s scope, including areas like philosophy, sociology, political sciences, psychology, history, anthropology, law, and economics. This broad disciplinary coverage reflects the journal’s commitment to exploring the historical dimensions of science across diverse intellectual landscapes, encouraging cross-disciplinary dialogue and research.
The History of Science journal covers a wide range of academic fields, including: Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences (Mathematics and Mechanics, Physics and Astronomy, Technical Sciences), Department of Chemical Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences (Earth Sciences, Geography), Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences), Department of Humanities (Philological Sciences, Art Studies and Architecture, Pedagogy), and Department of Social Sciences (Philosophy and Sociology, Political Sciences, Psychology, History and Anthropology, Law Sciences, Economic Sciences).
The History of Science journal publishes articles in the following languages: Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish, Persian, and Arabic.
The History of Science journal was registered on 19/09/2018 with registration number 4196 at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is an interdisciplinary scientific journal in Azerbaijan focused on the "history, classification, and description of sciences." The journal is also registered with the AR State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations under certificate number 12300 and reference number 17/C-11838-21.
The main objectives of the journal are as follows:
- To publish the results of scientific research conducted by Azerbaijani and foreign scientists in accordance with the journal’s profile.
- To provide reviews of studies on the methodology of the history of science.
- To offer methodological assistance for scientific research projects.
- To provide scientific and methodological support to the educational process in higher education institutions in Azerbaijan and abroad, particularly in the fields related to the history of science.
- To promote the exchange of information, methodological, and other intellectual resources to further develop more effective research in the history of science.
- To classify works in the field of the history of science at a professional level while investigating user feedback and interactions.
As the field of science continually evolves, so does the way we share, access, and engage with knowledge. The rise of open-access journals and platforms has transformed how scientific literature is disseminated, emphasizing the need for transparency, inclusivity, and ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Open-access policies are particularly critical in ensuring that scientific research is freely available, fostering collaboration and accelerating progress across various fields. In this context, it is crucial for any scientific journal to communicate its policies clearly and maintain high standards throughout the publishing process.
Editorial Board
Aladdin Malikov - Editor-in-Chief - Azerbaijan
Isa Habibbayli - Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Govhar Bakhshaliyeva - Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Mohammad SaeediMehr - Tarbiat Modares University - Iran
Anar Isgəndarov - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Ilham Mammadzadeh - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Ibrahim Ethem Atnur - Atatürk University - Turkey
Nikolay Pavlovich Baranov - Minsk State Linguistic University - Belarus
Agil Shirinov - Azerbaijan Institute of Theology - Azerbaijan
Mehman Suleymanov - National Defense University - Azerbaijan
Irada Huseynova - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Alimusa Ibrahimov - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Nurulla Aliyev - National Defense University - Azerbaijan
Mirniyaz Mursalov - Azerbaijan Institute of Theology - Azerbaijan
Mubariz Jamalov - Azerbaijan Institute of Theology - Azerbaijan
Ali Aliev - National Defense University - Azerbaijan
Elshan Hashimov - National Defense University - Azerbaijan
Elnur Alasgarli - Military Administration Institute - Azerbaijan
Arif Hashimov - Institute of Physics, MSE - Azerbaijan
Fikret Aliev - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Sabir Mirzoev - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Oktay Gasymov - Institute of Biophysics, MSE - Azerbaijan
Ali Babayev - Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, MSE - Azerbaijan
Eminaga Mamedov - Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, MSE - Azerbaijan
Rasim Jabbarov - Institute of Physics, MSE - Azerbaijan
Elchin Huseynov - Institute of Radiation Problems, MSE - Azerbaijan
Asad Rustamov - National Defense University - Azerbaijan
Ruslan Nuriyev - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Gurban Yetirmishli - Republican Seismic Survey Center, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Mirnuh Ismayilov - Institute of Geography, MSE - Azerbaijan
Zakir Eminov - Institute of Geography, MSE - Azerbaijan
Vugar Dargahov - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Aygun Ismayilova - Baku State University - Azerbaijan
Tofig Naghiyev - Research Center of “Azerbaijan National Encyclopaedia”, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Vagif Abbasov - Institute of Petrochemical Processes, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Arzu Alizade - Institute of Petrochemical Processes, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Irada Huseynova - Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, MSE - Azerbaijan
Jamil Aliyev - National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic - Azerbaijan
Suleyman Allahverdiyev - Department of Plant Physiology, Moscow State University - Russia
Djamaladdin Musaev (Jamal Musayev) - Emory University - USA
Garib Murshudov - Cambridge University - United Kingdom
Nuru Bayramov - Azerbaijan Medical University - Azerbaijan
Saftar Suleymanov - Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, MSE - Azerbaijan
Sayyara Ibadullayeva - Institute of Botany, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Arif Mekhtiev - Institute of Physiology, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Izzat Talibov - Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan
Shahin Yahyayev - Institute of Oriental Studies, ANAS - Azerbaijan
Mahammadali Malikov - Azerbaijan State University of Economics - Azerbaijan
Author Guidelines
We welcome original, high-quality research manuscripts that explore topics within the history of science. To maintain our journal’s high academic standards, please read and adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your submission.
1. General Requirements
- Originality: Submissions must represent original work that has not been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
- Language: Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise academic English. Authors who require language editing are encouraged to seek professional assistance before submission.
- Scope: Contributions should focus on the historical development of science, scientific practices, influential scientific figures, or related interdisciplinary themes relevant to the history of science.
2. Manuscript Structure and Formatting
- Title Page:
- Include the title of the manuscript.
- List the full names and institutional affiliations of all authors.
- Provide the corresponding author’s contact details (email address and telephone number).
- Mention any acknowledgments or funding sources, if applicable.
- Abstract:
- Provide a structured abstract of 150–250 words summarizing the objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.
- Keywords:
- List 3–6 keywords immediately after the abstract to facilitate indexing and discoverability.
- Main Text:
- Organize the manuscript into clearly labeled sections (e.g., Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Analysis, Discussion, Conclusion).
- Use informative headings and subheadings to guide the reader.
- Font and Spacing:
- Use a 12-point font size (e.g., Times New Roman).
- The manuscript should be double-spaced with 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides.
- Page Numbers:
- Ensure that page numbers appear on every page.
- File Format:
- Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF, as specified by the submission system.
3. Referencing and Citation Style
- APA 7th Edition:
- All in-text citations and references must adhere to the APA 7th edition style.
- The complete reference list should appear at the end of the manuscript and be formatted consistently in APA 7 style.
- The reference list should also be written in 12-point font size to maintain uniformity with the main text.
- In-text Citations:
- Ensure that every in-text citation corresponds to a full reference in the reference list.
- Pay careful attention to proper formatting for various source types (e.g., journal articles, books, web sources).
4. Figures, Tables, and Supplementary Materials
- Figures and Tables:
- Label figures and tables consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1).
- Include clear, descriptive titles and legends/captions for each.
- Ensure that all graphics are of high resolution and conform to the journal’s quality requirements.
- Supplementary Materials:
- Additional materials (e.g., appendices, datasets, multimedia files) that support the manuscript should be referenced in the text and uploaded as separate files if required.
5. Ethical Standards and Conflict of Interest
- Ethics Statement:
- For studies involving human or animal subjects, include a statement regarding ethical approval and compliance with relevant ethical guidelines.
- Conflict of Interest:
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest. This statement should be included on the title page or in a designated section within the manuscript.
6. Submission Process
- Online Submission:
- All manuscripts must be submitted through our online submission system or from email in the Contact us. Please ensure that all required documents (manuscript, figures, supplementary materials) are included.
- Cover Letter:
- Submit a cover letter outlining the significance of your research and confirming that the manuscript adheres to the History of Science Author Guidelines.
- Peer Review:
- Your manuscript will undergo a thorough peer-review process. Authors may be requested to make revisions based on reviewer feedback.
7. Copyright and Open Access
- Copyright Transfer:
- Upon acceptance of an article for publication in History of Science, the corresponding author must sign and submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement.
- This agreement ensures that the copyright is held by AcademyGate Publishing while the work is disseminated under open-access terms.
- Please download the agreement here:
📄 Download Copyright Transfer Agreement (PDF)
- Licensing:
- All published articles are open access and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License.
- This license permits free access, sharing, and adaptation of the work for non-commercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given to the original authors and the journal.
8. Additional Considerations
- Revisions:
- Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts based on reviewer comments. Please address all feedback comprehensively and resubmit within the specified timeframe.
- Proofreading:
- After acceptance, authors will receive proofs of their manuscript for final review. It is crucial to check these proofs carefully to ensure accuracy before publication.
- Post-Publication:
- Authors are encouraged to promote their published work through academic networks and social media. Proper citation of the original article is required when referencing the work.
Aim and Scope
The History of Science journal is devoted to exploring the rich and complex evolution of scientific thought, practice, and institutions. We provide a dynamic platform for multidisciplinary scholarship that seeks to understand how science has been shaped by and has shaped broader cultural, social, political, and economic forces across time and space.
Our Mission
Advancing Knowledge:
Our mission is to advance the understanding of the historical dimensions of science. We welcome research that critically examines the development of scientific ideas, methodologies, and institutions from various historical periods and geographic regions.
Encouraging Multidisciplinary Dialogue:
Recognizing that the history of science intersects with many disciplines, we encourage contributions from historians, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, literary scholars, and scientists. By fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue, the journal aims to create a more holistic understanding of science’s past and its continuing impact on society.
Key Areas of Interest
Historical Narratives and Analysis:
We invite articles that explore the origins and transformations of scientific theories, practices, and institutions. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the evolution of scientific disciplines, biographies of influential figures, and the role of science in shaping modern society.
Comparative and Transnational Studies:
Submissions that offer comparative perspectives on scientific development across different cultures, nations, or regions are highly valued. These studies should illuminate the global dimensions of scientific progress and the exchange of ideas between diverse communities.
Interdisciplinary Approaches:
We welcome research that integrates methodologies and theories from various fields, such as digital humanities, archival studies, cultural studies, and science and technology studies. Innovative approaches that challenge traditional narratives and open new avenues for inquiry are particularly encouraged.
Science in Context:
Articles that examine the interplay between science and other social phenomena—such as politics, economics, gender, and religion—are of great interest. Understanding the context in which scientific discoveries were made enriches our knowledge of both the science and its societal implications.
Digital Scholarship and Archival Research:
The journal is open to cutting-edge digital scholarship that employs new media and technologies for historical research. Manuscripts that utilize digital archives, data visualization, or innovative methods of historical analysis are welcome.
Open Access Commitment
History of Science is a fully open-access journal. Our commitment to free and immediate access ensures that all published research is available to scholars, students, and the public worldwide. This democratization of knowledge facilitates wider dissemination, enhances academic collaboration, and promotes informed public discourse about the history of science.
Invitation to Contributors
We invite submissions that challenge established paradigms, offer fresh insights, and inspire new research directions. Whether your work is rooted in traditional archival research or employs contemporary digital methodologies, we welcome your contributions to deepen our collective understanding of science’s enduring legacy.
For further information or inquiries about the journal’s focus and submission process, please contact our editorial office at Contact or follow the link for Submission process.
We look forward to receiving your manuscripts and to contributing to the vibrant field of the history of science.
Open Access Policy The History of Science journal adheres to open access policies that ensure all published articles are freely available to readers worldwide. By removing paywalls and subscription fees, the journal promotes the broad dissemination of research on the history of science, making it accessible not only to academics but also to independent researchers, educators, and the public. This aligns with the journal's mission to foster interdisciplinary engagement and democratize knowledge by enabling readers from diverse backgrounds to access scholarly work without financial barriers. Open access facilitates global collaboration and allows historical insights into science to reach a wider audience, thus enriching academic discourse and public understanding. In compliance with open access principles, History of Science supports the belief that research, especially when funded by public or institutional resources, should be available to all. The journal ensures that every article is published under an open-access model, encouraging scholars to share their findings broadly and contribute to an international exchange of ideas. By embracing this policy, the journal increases the visibility and impact of its articles, allowing them to be freely accessed, cited, and discussed by scholars in related fields, ultimately advancing both historical inquiry and scientific research.
Code of Ethics and Indexing
The journal adheres to ethical standards set by COPE to ensure integrity in publication practices.
Scientific publishing thrives on ethical practices that uphold the integrity and credibility of research. As such, any reputable journal must adhere to clear ethical guidelines and professional standards. It is important for a journal to outline its code of ethics on the website, emphasizing principles such as transparency, integrity, and fairness in the peer review process, as well as in the treatment of authors, reviewers, and readers.
The journal’s ethical standards should also include affiliations with recognized organizations that promote publication ethics, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These organizations offer valuable frameworks that help maintain the credibility and trustworthiness of academic publishing. By displaying the journal's alignment with these ethical guidelines, the journal ensures that all aspects of the publishing process are conducted with the highest level of responsibility and professionalism.
Furthermore, indexing services such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science are crucial in enhancing the journal's visibility and recognition within the scientific community. Indexing ensures that the journal’s content is accessible to a wide range of researchers and institutions, reinforcing its credibility and academic value. The website should clearly list the indexing services in which the journal is included, helping authors and readers easily identify the journal’s standing in the academic world.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Licensing & Open Access Policy
History of Science is an open-access journal that provides free and unrestricted access to published research. All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License.
Under this license:
- Users are free to share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) the material.
- Proper attribution to the original work must be given.
- The material cannot be used for commercial purposes.
This licensing ensures the broad dissemination of research while maintaining the integrity and non-commercial use of the published content.
For more details, please visit: Creative Commons CC BY-NC License.
If you have any questions regarding our licensing policy, please contact us at Contact us.
Copyright Transfer Agreement
To publish your manuscript in History of Science, all authors must complete and submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement. This agreement ensures that the journal has the necessary rights to publish and distribute the work while allowing authors to retain certain usage rights.
Please download the Copyright Transfer Agreement using the link below, complete the required fields, and submit the signed document along with your manuscript.
Download Copyright Transfer Agreement (PDF)
For any questions, please contact us at Contact us.
Phone Number: +994557603970
Email: historyofsciencejournal@gmail.com