
Since time immemorial, empires and great states have guided planning through social bases on which they could count on. These social bases at the right time come to the aid of the state and statehood, providing it with manpower, and even a material base. While providing the above-mentioned base, the states try to take advantage of national and spiritual values and projects of ideological education. Researching and implementing volunteer calls can also be counted among the steps mentioned. Studying and implementing these steps in 2020, which was the year of the coronavirus pandemic and the second Karabakh war, takes on special meaning.

Volunteering in Islam is the most favored position from a moral point of view, then a person with this virtue is considered a person of the highest rank. The Holy Quran contains such expressions as “making infag (to provide means for food and life) at night”, “secretly sharing his property”, “taking care of others, having his own needs”, “competing in the implementation of good deeds”, “able to do infag when comfortable, but also when oppressed "and "volunteer-believers". Frequently repeating such and similar expressions, the Holy Quran brings to the reader what a true volunteer should be and what qualities he should have. According to the Quranic verses, the main factor that drives the volunteer presented by Islam is the divine, moral and human responsibility that he feels towards other individuals in society.

Full Name:Samid Baghirov
Affilation: ANAS, Institute of Oriental Studies
Country: Azerbaijan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33864/2790-0037.2020.v1.i1.30-37
Email: sami80@mail.ru
Orcid: https://orcid.org