
The value of the law grows in direct ratio to its real role in the life of society and, among other directions, brings to the fore the tradition of its supremacy. Correct observance of the law by all is the key pillar of strengthening the state and its relations with its own bodies and citizens. The purpose of the legislative specialization process is to ensure the  gradually increasing “division of labor” between factors in the legal and in the legislative system. As a result, certain norms are focused on the performance of a particular operation. 

Legislation is a form of law and one of the main sources of its development. Its system, as an inter-related complex of normative legal acts regulating certain spheres of public life and the life of the state, allows to imagine the regulatory regiment of the country. Systematization of legislation, as one of the most important measures of the state in the field of legal policy, contributes to the development and improvement of the legal system and the legislative system of the country as a whole.

Full Name:Habil Gurbanov
Affilation: Free Trade Union of ANAS
Country: Azerbaijan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33864/2790-0037.2021.v2.i3.7-15
Email: professorqurbanov@yandex.com
Orcid: https://orcid.org